This is main street in a town near where we live. The main street where I grew up is one way and has a slower speed limit- but then it is a tourist attraction.
Ok, I think Solomon was right: much study is a weariness of the flesh. Good gracious- how much negativity can be packed in the pages of required reading?!
I also need to um, put something I said in perspective. You see, my Aunt Judi had these kids that probably would have qualified for sainthood had they been um, well the third qualification... Anyway, besides Mom who I don't think ever had a worldly bone in her body, the guys and me were going through a worldly phase when we were vacationing in Lewes those summers. By today's standards, we'd have been considered pretty tame- but with such full-of-the-Holy Spirit and unspoiled-by-the-world kids as Aunt Judi had, that's why I said I'd not have the kids hang around with us. I dread to think how long it took her to undo the ickiness I brought with me when I came to visit her home when I was a teen. If I was Catholic, I'd still be doing pennance.
Ok, so after 6 hours of school tonight- college-I think I'm going a little crazy. I'm singing weird songs that sound like some kick-back from the 1940s and I have all this nervous energy. Problem is, it's 4:30 in the morning. Even homemakers need a vacation. And for the last two weeks ("two weeks...") The Eve of Destruction has ben going round and round in my head. Along with alternate verses that I'm sure Barry never thought of. I'm being as crazy (and loud) as my brother Jake and it's freaking the cats out. Probably the neighbors, too...
So, last night we star-gazed with one of our dogs. Orion was there- he'd been hiding behind the ridge- and so were a few shooting stars. It was really nice. Coveralls make all these freezing excursions seem like summer- without all the bugs and spiders.
I haven't put my husband in the spotlight yet because he doesn't like it. He's really cool. And he's a Veteran. I don't think he'd mind me sharing that. God bless our troops and our vets!
Childhood memories... the boys used to watch Kung Fu movies on Saturdays and I'd read in there with them after chores were done. Then, during the week, the boys would practice what they'd learn. They were great at jumping off rooves (spelling intentional) and flying kicks. I tried the roof-jumping thing, but I never did learn how to land properly. Then we'd often start a fire and roast things in the back yard.
We really did have a lot of fun adventuring when we were young. We all 3 had great imaginations, so we didn't need much to entertain ourselves. My eyesight was too bad to do some of the adventurous things they did- like exploring some of the "rich people's" houses. I was kind of klutzy (eyesight again) and would have gotten us caught. So, I'd hang out in their back yards looking at the flower gardens or fish ponds while the boys explored. Of course, once Mom found out that was the end of that- kind of... ;-)
Sometimes we'd go up to Main Street- which shut down promptly at 5- and climb up on the rooves of the shops. Such fun. We'd pretend all sorts of things- from super heroes to super burglars. But on none of our forays did we steal anything. Mom had taught us better than that.
Mom was this really amazing example. She was never judgy and she was always lending hope and encouragement to the downtrodden. I really admire that. I loved the few years she was able to be a homemaker. The peace and stability she gave us was wonderful. And even when she was working, she always tried to be there for us and any of our friends who needed a caring mom. She always saw the best in people. A rare trait it seems, but a very good one.
Well, today continued the Walnut Harvest. I think it must be easier to get them out of their hulls by running over them with the truck, so tomorrow I'll try that. We have a mess of them gathered with more in the upper yard to get still.
We had a couple of the neighbor kids try to sneak up on us tonight for some reason. I reckon they must think we're vampires or something. After we went up to two of them, then others came with them to the house. They were all nervous- almost like it was a dare or something...
Perhaps because we have a dog with the disposition of a ceberus; we seem to never go outside until the sun is setting; and we're often armed. I learned that all of the neighbors thought my husband was the only parent of three teens- possibly because I play so much with my kids... And him- they were worried that he was a "Still in Saigon" kind of guy. Not real sure if that is shining a light or being a blessing... But...We're nice to our neighbors when we see them and we visit the elderly on our road often. Hmm. Oh, and my daughter playing Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata (a traditional vampire tune in the movies) very late at night has probably not helped our image. I've been outside when she was playing and it really carries. Heehee. Too funny.
Well, good morrow to all.
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