I love this picture. It has this quality that makes you relate to it somehow... I'm weird, I know.
Well, amazing, but I took some time off from school just to write. And I have a pretty decent little story going, praise God. 5 minutes talking to a Muse and voila! (all you writers out there will know exactly what I mean.)
Today is Veteran's Day. Please take the time to tell one of them "thank you". It really means a lot to them and it's the least we can do. I kindof wish they had "Rescue Personnel Day", but I guess we can tell those folks thanks any time. They deserve a day of their own, in my opinion. But, since they don't I'll take this opportunity to say....
THANKS!!! To all you wonderful Veterans and Rescue Personnel! You are GREAT!!!
Um... well, since my husband was exhausted today, I was able to write for hours. My wrists are not happy about it, and I'm having difficulty not being in the head of a cat- yes, a cat is one of my characters. Something new for me, but my old hag- oops, I mean creative writing teacher- said, "write what you know". I didn't get it at the time, but I do now. I mean, really. How much does one know when one is in 11th grade. All the stories would have been about evil teachers, bullies, and part-time jobs- oh, wait, didn't 90210 kind of fit in there? I never did watch that show, but the commercials were awfully lame. (ooh, that's none of it so very nice, but that's how it seemed to me back when I was a young person. Sorry, Mrs. Ma'am, but you made me read the Catcher in the Rye and I still cannot thank you for that.)
Kid A wrote and read most of the day, too. And Kid B wrote, did art, and read. We have Sunday and Monday for our weekend. We do school on Saturday, see. But, all the stuff they did today on their own will count, too. I try to be fair, no matter what time or day it is. They both did good work today. I was very proud of them. And they're at the age where they understand about letting Mommy write without a messload of interruptions. Plus, they usually like the stories, so it's extra incentive.
Oh, the last two mornings, the mountains in front of my house have looked like molten gold. The sun shining across the ridges acted like beautiful stage lighting, the hollows all a deep blue and the last leaves glowing crimson against the backdrop of the crisp blue sky. The bare trees looked almost black and seemed to be reaching toward the light, and the wind was softly, softly blowing. Making the leaves on the ground dance and the ones still on the trees sigh.
I took pictures of it with my cell phone and as soon as my husband shows me how, I'll put them up on here. Something I have to do with this kit that came with the phone...
Anyway, pray for me. I have a special request that is a REAL challenge for me. Actually, I have a few challenges I need prayer for... ;-) as anyone who knows me well will say "Amen, sister!"
Family and Other Features will return soon. Really!
Well, happy day to you all. May God bless each one of you in exactly the ways you need and in some ways that are just sweet of Him. He's wonderful! :-)
I see you've picked up on my ttfn. what about mtf -- more to follow/my ten fingers? Have a great day!
ReplyDeleteI thought you were quoting Tigger! ;-) I never have figured out what mtf meant. Is it really more to follow?
ReplyDeleteI sure do love you. Wonder why Grampa often would say what a potted palm while laughing so hard. Oh, during comedies... But he'd say, "what a potted palm! what a ______" I can't remember that last part. It was a different name, though.
I love you, sweetie!