Remember, Remember
The 5th if November
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot.
I know of no reason
Why Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.
(image courtesy of Wikipedia)
Happy Guy Fawkes Night, all! Or Bonfire Night if you wish. Great story, btw. I highly recommend doing a search and seeing what you think about ol' Guy and his friends.
The way we see it, Guy's story is guts in the face of persecution. Also, all religious persecution is bad. So, we go out in the dark hours of the night and have a little bonfire and do a coffee "cheers" to the folks who stand up against tyrrany. And no, I don't really endorse blowing anything up to make a point; as I said- read his story and draw your own conclusions. We had fun with it. No, we did not make a straw effigy, though we did burn some straw. And this year since we have more than one neighbor, we had to keep things pretty quiet.
"...no, officer, we're just up really early..."
The election somehow turned into a civil rights thing and I really thought things were totally equal like my whole life. Weird. Though I will say two things:
1. All the people who voted for McCain are not haters. They either thought he was more qualified, liked his politics more, or really liked Palin.
2. McCain's concession speech was one of the best political speeches I've heard in a long time and the best concession speech I've ever heard. We all cried. It was like this beautiful reminder of how great this country really is.
I'm for praying for the salvation of all our leaders. Yep, I said it. And I think that we really should- it's smart; more productive than fussing; and it's scriptural.
And that's enough of that. School is still draining. I wish I could do college like homeschool. I'd be studying about things that interested me and that were relevant. And Honestly, I get it already about the Vietnam Conflict. Too many weeks on the same subject is only beating a dead horse. I will say, though, that the text is more fair than most.
Interesting the FCC's new rules that only apply to conservatives. I can see them telling NPR that for every hour of liberal programming they have to have an hour of conservative programming. Or other stations that for every hour of smutty programming, they have to play an hour of good, clean family programming. Every hour of secular music has to be balanced with religious music and all genres get equal air time. Yea. Right. Interesting how so many rules and laws only apply to certain people. Remember, Remember the 5th of November... ;-)
Um, so God, (yes, God) provided the money for our power bill. Very nice there. And a few dollars for groceries. Praise the Lord!!! :-) And get this- I'm considered "underclass" so according to my textbook, I should be a Democrat, hopeless, have stupid kids, and no books. Yet, I'm a Republican (though my party needs serious HELP), I have more books than I can count, and all of my kids are gifted. Hmm. Oh, and I'm one of the most hopeful people I know. Go figure. Stereotyping bad, ugh. (trollspeak- not a stereotype since trolls are fictional...)
Well, this sounds kind of negative. But, you spend 5 weeks dredging through the 60s and 70s and see how cheery you sound! ;-)(heehee) Didn't Carter come into office with the Dems controlling both houses? PLEASE do NOT replay the 70s!!!!!~~~~shudder~~~~~~
I wonder if a Constitution Party would ever be on the horizon? The "fringe" parties don't seem to do so well, but it'd be refreshing for some folks who were Constitutionalists to find their voices. Argh! I am so done with politics. But I guess it's understandable being an election week...
Well, all- have a happy day.
2 prayer requests:
1. A friend of mine with 2 young kids has to have radiation treatments for the next 6 weeks.
2. A little baby is in the hospital with a bad staph infection- a friend of my husband's sister's child.
God Bless America!!!!
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