"The Prayer at Valley Forge painted by Henry Brueckner, engraved by John C. McRae. George Washington is shown praying under trees with his military camp in the background. " Images and text courtesy of The History Place, Web address below.
I have always thought that George Washington looked a lot like my Grandfather Carl. Why couldn't we have someone like General Washington on the ballot? My, my. can you imagine the debates? Oh, we'd have to have Thomas Jefferson as the VP candidate... heehee- I bet the press would love him. Alas, we do not live in the Walgreens World.
Now, while it is currently my protected right to say who I would like to see in office, I'm not gonna. I think either way it goes, there will be violence. And I would not be surprised if there was a carefully orchestrated (by the candidate himself) assasination attempt before the election. If not, look for one if he wins. It's the perfect excuse to declare marshal law and take away what few rights we do have left. Mmmhmm. Halloween is the perfect 'holiday' to be having just before this election.
What do the kids say about the coming election? Well, let's let 'em speak for themselves. For their protection, I'll be calling them Kid A and Kid B and there is no particular order here. The nation is at a crossroads.
What do you think about the election?
Kid A: Let the Lord's will be done.
Kid B: Well, this could go two ways. If canidate a is elected, our country may spiral into communist terror, where 'hate speech' and government control are the main things of the day. If canidate b is elected, our country might just hold together for a few more years. Either way, war, fear, another depression, and the general way of the world, will continue to worry us. I think we all need to pray that God's perfect will will be done. Only He can fix the problems of our broken world. All we can do is pray, and stand fast.
Now let's ask the same question of the interplanetary members of our household.
Google A: Purple lips? Honestly, how did he get those? Canidate A puts me to sleep.
Google B: vote freedom 08, or you can vote Willie Wonka 08 :).
Google C: (singing) oh, no you don't believe we're on the eve of destruction (harmonica tweets)
(See previous posts for info on the Googles.)
I wonder how many people will Write-in Joe the Plumber...
Seriously, as a student of history, this whole political atmosphere gives me the heebie-jeebies.
And is this for real??? Is there seriously a dress code for the polling locations??? Voters cannot vote unless they are wearing state-approved clothing? Ok, I looked it up. Not that I'd wear a political shirt to the polls anyway, but this seems like a First Ammendment violation. In Virginia it was passed because of intimidation of voters by thugs standing outside with their candidate apparel, also why people endorsing a candidate are not allowed too close to the polling place here. I'm not sure about the rest of the country. It just seems a little nuts to me. Say I wear a "Doctor Who for President" shirt- I reckon I'll be told to go home and change- even though it's not logical intimidation seeing as he's not a US National...
Here are links to a couple of stories about the issue:
On to other things...
The Black Walnut Harvest is going pretty well. It's a tricky process for a townie like me. After the nuts fall, you have to wait until their hulls turn black- which means the hull-worms have done their job. Well, if they're in the yard, you may be waiting 'till next spring for this to happen; so we are relocating them to the gravel driveway. Getting them up is a hands-and-knees process.
Well, you take the blackened ones and roll over them with your hiking boot. That gets them out of the hull. But, wear gloves, because they are still damp and will stain your hands. Then you put them on a sheet or tarp to dry in the sun, packing them up nights so the dew doesn't get 'em. Mold is a concern, you see? After they are dry and have no traces of hull-worms, you bake them or shell them (anvil and hammer are recommended, they'll break chintzy modern nutcrackers) and freeze them. They can be enjoyed either way. Some folks recommend drying them out near a woodstove and using newspaper. This guy has pictures of the special nutcracker used for black walnuts:
We're still in the gathering phase. I'll let you know how they turn out.
I had no idea my Aunt Judi (of Runnemede Remembered fame) used to vacation in Lewes, too. I wonder why we didn't go that week? After all, the other side of the family was there for a long time and Dad could take his vacation whenever. I wish we'd all met up. Though in all honesty, we probably would've been a bad influence on her family. They were a long-term really good influence on me, but we were a worldly bunch back then that I wouldn't have wanted my kids hanging around!
Sometimes I ponder what course our lives would have taken had but one or two decisions been made differently. I'm sure everyone thinks of things like that sometimes, but with the nation truly at a crossroads I reckon it's on my mind more. How many of us will think "if only I'd..." in the months to come? Best to stay close to God and hold on tight!
Well, it's story time again- for the kids, not the BLOG. I've got to get now. Still aiming to go outside and stargaze for a few minutes. I can't seem to find Orion since we moved. Have a good weekend everyone! And please remember to pray for our country and Israel and the British Isles and... ;-)
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