Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Happy Veteran's Day!
I appreciate our Veterans and think that they should be remembered more than a couple of times a year. Me and the kids used to volunteer at the VA Hospital about 2 hours away. Veterans Day, Christmas, and Valentines Day are BIG days at the VA. So many people show up with gifts and food- it's really great. Even performers come for Veterans Day. But, the rest of the year, the vets might as well not exist. The volunteers try to make them feel special every day, true. But, many of the vets expressed to me that they felt like the recognition on the one day was more for the people doing it than for them.
I wasn't sure what they meant at first, but it was explained, and seemed pretty evident after- the folks showing up, many of them were doing it to make themselves feel good. Or they were campaigning. Or trying to win a bid. Or a scholarship. As soon as the program was over, so many of them were "outta there!" like scalded cats.
At first, I thought the vets were just being fussy, but I watched how they were talked down to- you know, like some people do with children- speaking very slowly with false cheerfulness & with their eyes belying the fact that they were disgusted and thought the vets were really less than they were.
Though, the ones who truly cared, the vets really thought highly of. The little old ladies who came every week with toiletry baskets or coffee. The folks that went room to room to just talk with the vets or bring magazines.
We thought about relocating closer to the VA so we could volunteer more, but expenses are much higher there. I hated not being able to keep it up. We did it for nearly a year. And yes, it was in the patient library. The kids learned the organization really well and could direct the vets to the books they were looking for. The vets really loved the kids. There was a mutual respect there.
You know, as the holidays draw closer, we are reminded of people we'd forgotten through the year. We try to make up for it with cards or gifts. All the times we put off calling or writing, or even texting come to mind. But, why are we here? For personal gratification? That's the reason we usually put off visiting or letting somebody know we care- we don't have time because we do not TAKE time. See, time will waste and time will flow by like the James River and we are left with nothing to show for it but being the best at quoting scores, news, or reruns. To take time, we must step into the river and embrace the chill. We must for a moment give up our personal preferences for something lasting and substancial.
I hear the "but I don't have money" thing as often. And I'm a bad one for it myself. But, it costs no money to call for most people on nights and weekends. It costs no additional money to send an email. It costs what, 35 cents? to mail a letter. How much would it brighten your day to recieve something besides bills and catalogues in the mail?
Let us try to remember our veterans throughout the year. A kind word goes a long way with them. "Welcome Home" and "Thank You" are ones that the vets I know have really appreciated. And they are surprised by them. Isn't it nice to give someone a pleasant surprise?
You don't need me to tell you what these brave men and women have to go through. Most have joined the service to help keep our country free for all the rest of us. And I won't even go into what the media has done to them over the last 4 or 5 decades. But again, I will say "Thank you and Welcome Home" and thank you and thank you again.
God Bless America and God Bless our Troops!
Writing Days

Monday, November 10, 2008
"Who put the Rifle on the Potato Salad?!"

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Done, ok.
Grampa Stan. He was a quiet man. (hee hee) He could really sing and had quite a deep voice. He used to sing at this place called Bobbits and it was like the singins that we go to over at Ivanhoe. Mostly Gospel and all the local musicians, anyone could get up and sing which was really cool. My first public appearance (heeheehee) was singing For Those Tears I Died with my grampa Stan. They sang a lot of Gaither stuff, too.
Grampa was a serious kinda guy. He really loved his Mama (maybe I should've started with her...). He was short-ish like one of my brothers. He was of Lithuanian/Polish heritage. He was a first generation born-here dude and he was in WWII. I'm pretty sure he met my Gramma at the USO.
Grampa expected kids to be respectful and respectable. He did not drink. He worked 3rd shift a lot. His dad was a coal miner in PA after he and Nana got married- he's the one from Lithuania, she was from Poland.
Ah, Grampa used to read the Reader's Digest Condensed Books and he'd look like he was asleep, but would laugh when you said so. He taught me how to do cryptograms when I was 4. That was really cool. He didn't mind if I climbed up in bed with him and Gramma and read or did a cryptogram. He worked word puzzles and different kinds of things like that, too.
He was a member of the Sportsman's Club. I went swimming there. He loved the river. He'd take me for walks by the river and tell me not to be afraid about the tide washing me away. See, the river near their house was only accessable at low tide. High tide the whole beach was gone and the water was up at the road. To me it looked like a long way down. I'm pretty sure he liked to fish.
Unfortunately, I was pretty young when he passed away, so I don't know too much about him. Plus, he was a pretty closed kinda guy. He was always saying things that I didn't quite get like "don't look a gift horse in the mouth". I hadn't gotten a horse... He died just a short while after his mom did. He got Gramma a place at Lewes just before he died- I think he knew he was on his way out. He loved God a lot and I think he was looking forward to seeing him.
Well, it's time for me to take an asprin and have early morning art class. For some odd reason the kids are singing "oh, dem golden slippers"... Happy weekend to all!
Update on the baby:
Her name is Sparrow, she's 9 months old and has MRSA and Pneumonia. Her dad has to leave for Iraq again in January. Please keep praying for this baby and her family.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Guy Fawkes' Night or Bonfire Night

Saturday, November 1, 2008
Meanderings of the Overstudied Mind