Whoever you are- to dognap someone's puppy is WRONG. To torture said dog is wrong-er. I hope three things for you-
1. that you get struck by lightning (or some other electrical malfunction gives you the likes thereof)
2. that all the river rats in this section of the county find their way to your house
3. that you'll wise up and get your heart right with God- because I'd hate to think the eternal torment that awaits people who torture puppies.
That said, she found her way back home and is severely traumatized and is acting like she has brain damage... I DO NOT understand how anyone can go into someone else's yard and steal a puppy for heaven sake and to hurt it intentionally- what kind of meanness is that?
Skunks I can deal with, but the rats have got to go. Big, icky rats that don't even care if you shoot at them- they keep munching away on apples- it's just creepy. And unsanitary. And I really do hope they go over to the dognapper's house. He or she is unlikely to have any living cats around to keep them at bay- muwahahaahaa. Well, my inside puppies are whining (again) to go out. And now my DS is whining, too- I reckon I'd best get off this computer and get some supper on.
My last post cut off because my computer crashed- harddrive finally went kaputs. We're all better now, though. I hope everyone is well and has a safe, lovely weekend!
Lost cities of the Amazon
4 weeks ago
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