Back to the search. DH, having spent quite a bit of time in Poland, says that we do not look Polish.
I'm still listening to Christmas carols on YouTube- oh, how I love Sabbath! Right now I'm listening to Russian ones. They're lovely. I love the ones from the Middle Ages British Isles, the French ones are just LOVELY, and the most of the Polish ones are just so joyful. And still printing chorded music for my guitar.
Yesterday evening, we cut down the apple tree (before sundown by a couple of hours) that was right next to the house (dumb place for a fruit tree). I hated to see it go, but rats, man! So we have kaboodles of apples to process into juice come Monday. I'm out of ziplok bags, so I'm praying I'll get the canning part right. We worked our behinds off getting the tree out of the road and the brush to the pile, the apples gathered, and the burnable wood in a separate stack. We ran out of daylight before it was all finished, but most of it got done. And boy, did we all sleep good! It was so great working together on a project like that.
well, I'm off again. Time to get some food on and do devotion with the kids. I hope we can get all the dogs a good walk in after it cools down a bit. :-) Happy day!
Lost cities of the Amazon
4 weeks ago
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