So, I decided not to drop out of the blog for now. I may start a new one, and Lori- I will let you know for sure if I do, but I'll probably keep this generic one going all the same ;-)
So, it's been really CRAZY days this month. We have run into all sorts of people we haven't seen in absolute years and it's been wonderful. September and May always fly by, but this has been faster than usual. But, back to the undisclosed people we've been running into- it has been amazing to see what the Lord has done in the lives of these people. Please keep praying for Virginia. The people are waking up and finding that they need God and have no idea where to find Him. And some are finding Him anyway, through a tract that someone gave them or a Bible that was given to them. We need good churches planted here, or real, dedicated pastors to fill the empty pulpits (so many of our churches are on a circuit with only one meeting or two a month)- not exactly good ground for seekers. But, God is faithful and all who seek Him will find Him if they search with all their hearts. If I could find Him, anyone can.
We've not gotten on the trail very often so far, there's been a shortage of time. But, we hope to go again soon- it's so beautiful! I'll try to post some pics of it when I get my film developed. (I still can't find my digital camera, but it stinks in quality anyway. Any little movement and it's blurry- no good for me, that.)
About the comeuppance people.
I know the best thing is for them to be saved. Believe me, I do pray for all the badguys to get saved. It's just better. But if they will not let go of their pride long enough to get saved, I pray that their schemes will at least be thwarted. Sometimes they just get to me- I despise people who prey on others and injustice really sticks in my craw (heehee), and I have to comfort myself by remembering that God did promise a payday for all those who do such things. Perhaps this blog was not the place to do said comforting, but hey- maybe they get to y'all sometimes, too. Maybe you needed to know that evil will not always win, it's already lost- just hasn't hit the sentencing date yet. I'll try to keep those types of posts to a minimum (and I really need to stay out of the news as much as is feasible).
Well, I reckon I'd best get back to studying. I still have much to do to finish up my papers for the class I'm in before the next two begin (I have a 3 week overlap, eesh!). God bless His people with protection and grace to make it through as unscathed as possible, and may He draw us all closer to Him and to eachother.
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