"Nasty little men like you always get their comeuppance."
(From The Mummy)
This is a message for the Christians. You know those folks who like to go on and on about how pious they are while they hunt down all the people that Jesus called blessed in the Sermon on the Mount? Well, Jesus had words for those people. See, they are not content to live their lives, they have this insatiable lust to control and destroy the lives of others. Dickens was good at writing characters like that. Back to Jesus. He said that these oh so righteous people (righteous in their own eyes) would one day stand before Him in judgement. Righteous judgement. Where the judge cannot be bought off or bribed in any way. These "great leaders" will stand before Him demanding entrance to Heaven. Their pride is so immense that they question the Lord's response and are still thinking to pull one over on their Creator. You know what He will say to every last one of them?
"Depart from me, ye worker of iniquity. I know you not."
So, be comforted. That person/people who seem to have nothing better to do than slander others and tear people down; that person who seeks out the meek and poor in spirit to ruin their lives; that person who looks at people like they are playthings to be abused and cast aside- even if in this world they seem to prosper-
Tonight I pray, dearest Lord, that you will protect your people from the evil in this world. That you will cause all the evil schemes of the enemies of your people to backfire and be exposed. I pray that you will catch them in the snares they have laid and pits they have dug for your people. There is so much trouble in the world right now, please be a refuge to your people in these times of trouble. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
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