But now on to the main point.
Yep, I said it. Israel.
Now, just as a matter of common sense, it seems a little off to me that a nation involved in "the war on terror" would be supporting the institution of a legitimate state that was run by confirmed terrorists. Call me quirky, but doesn't this just seem like um, a conflict of interest perhaps???
And the other thing. Israel is a sovereign nation. Right? Well, who the heck does everyone think they are constantly telling a sovereign nation what to do all the time? I don't see anyone dictating to us for instance, that we need to cede Miami to a particular ethnic group. Or that we need to divide NYC among the groups that reside there. We'd be morally outraged- and rightly so. But what makes us think that we can dictate to Israel on what she's allowed to do and where she can build her houses? Did we somehow draft her into our union yet give her none of the benefits thereof? This madness needs to stop. I'm asking everyone who prays to pray for Israel. She really needs it. Yes, pray for us too, (America) and the British Isles, etc., etc. but Israel in particular. I can think of no other nation on earth that has so many people jumping down its throat all the time, nor any other nation that so many people want to go extinct.
"...with liberty and justice for all" does not just apply to our country, you know? (For those of you who may not know, that's a quote from the now nearly defunct "Pledge of Allegiance"). I'd throw in a prayer for Daniel Hannan, too- that dude has to be on somebody's hit list by now- he just speaks too much of the truth. Viva la Jeffersonians!!
Another country that deserves a shout-out is France. I get a little sick of only seeing negative press about the country that was responsible for giving us such good grammar. If it hadn't been for the French, we might be speaking Viking- which does have some merit, but it was limited in form and vocabulary. I mean, can you imagine Shakespeare having to work in the language that Olaf brought over? Also, French Bread- need I say more? Have we any other people who understand our absolute need for freedom than do the French? I think that aside from their media and our media, we'd get along quite well. Their poetry is really beautiful, too. And the Louvre has a very nice Website, beautiful art! Their cathedrals are quite lovely, and their spirit- their concept of liberty- yes, we pray for the French. Our world would not be quite so nice, I think without these particular sons of Japeth. (tracing things a bit far back- but Japeth's children now only make up 14% of the world's population and that has me a bit concerned.- this is per a textbook from the University of Phoenix).
Ah, yes. I think my husband would have a conniption about this post. He is the one who had me take the pictures off this time. I haven't posted because I've been doing school- which I love! and gardening which is pretty instructive about life. And I think the epoxy that is now holding my hoe together should be dry by tomorrow- so back to it. So crazy- the cold snap is really here now- we've had frost the last few days, so it's a good thing my hoe broke when it did, else my wee, germinating plants would be burnt.
Amy, we're praying for you and Phil. Mama passed on to me that y'all were facing some tough times. I wish y'all could move down here. Please know that you're always welcome.
And Lori- my son is thrilled. He wants to know how much annual dues are and when he gets his T-shirt. ;-)
LOST's season finale was really great, I thought. There's nothing at all good on TV right now, IMO. It kinda reeks, really. I mean, there's only so much Food Network a person can watch- they seem to repeat every few hours. And speaking of Food Network...
1. The Challenge should go back to doing runners up
2. Alton Brown has somehow become part of the culture of our family. He has an evil twin named Allton who sometimes doubles as Altron on the Avengers. He's the one who keeps saddling our challenges with broke food, too. And my kids are convinced that somehow he and Paula Deen are distant relatives...
Really, we do have a life!
And Beck- THANKS so much for saying I finally look like a Drexler! You're the BEST! I was thinking I had been switched at birth or something 'cause there's nobody that I favor in looks on either side of the family. Now, even if I was switched at birth, at least I look like the family God put me with. (I honestly can't see how my sweet mother could have given birth to as creepy a kid as I was... It must've been some annoying lady- and she ended up with the sweet dark-haired child.)
Well, I hope y'all have a great rest-of-the-week. God Bless America and please save and/or guide our leaders in Jesus' Name. (Yes, I said Jesus and not as a cuss.) I'm really pushing the free speech (1st Amendment right, btw) envelope tonight, aren't I?
If you haven't read the WWII books by the Thoene's you're really missing out. They're Christians, so the books are pretty clean and the story is historically accurate with excellent plot and characterization.
ttfn again!
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