And you know what? The old timers tell me that every year and they're invariably correct. This year, it was the day after Mother's Day. Silly me, hanging my long curtains before the stupid cold snap... (our heaters are beneath the windows). But, all the rain probably saved my plants since it stalled any work being done. I might have planted something this blasted cold, damp would have killed. I hope we have a long fall this year so that all the late planting has time to reach harvest before the frost. The Weather Channel http://www.weather.com/ says that it should be warming up by Wednesday (the season finale for LOST) so that's good. I've got to get this stuff in the ground- whether it's tilled or not.
I want to say THANKS to my sister-in-laws. Both of you NC gals have been real lifesavers to me. Y'all are great and I thank God for you and my other sister-in-law overseas. God bless you!
So, after a day of driving myself crazy trying to get acclimated to a new school, my Mama and Daddy came up for a visit. Mama brought me a bunch of baby maple trees for the edges of my yard, a baby pin oak and two baby rose bushes. Wonderful! I don't feel so bad about getting rid of those cedars/junipers now. It was a nice visit and even though I was out of it, I really enjoyed the conversations. After they left, I spent several more hours trying to figure out the school, and asking my sister-in-law a mess load of questions about it. She's a very patient soul. So I'm plumb wore out (exhausted for you city folk).
I'm looking forward to planting my baby trees and relocating my Rose of Sharon hedge. The ground's definately soft enough to make digging easier than usual. My wonderful neighbors said they'd take the trees out for me for the wood- Oh, how I love the trading system. It's so much easier and no IRS involvement is a plus, too. :-)
I also just wanted to say I LOVE YOU, KIDS!!! To all 5 of my sweeties. Y'all mean the world to me. I'd tell you how proud I am of all of you, but I know how that jinx thing works. But, I don't think that a mama ever had such wonderful kids as you are. God bless you soooo much!!
Well, sleepy, sentimental old me is going to call it quits. Thanks, Mama for putting up with me when my brain's asleep and a million miles away. I'm glad you're not like one of the dynamic carreer women- that you are exactly the kind of Mama that is the ideal: soft and sweet, cuddly and kind. Exactly perfect for all of us. Thanks for being you.
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