That's her and my baby brother with Dad's bus. I'm not sure when this was taken, but it's not from all that long ago since Dad's only had the bus a few years.
Well, Passover was awesome. You know, I never realize how much of a workaholic I am until I run into holy convocations. And Beware of Laodicean Spinach!
We went more traditional this year- straight from the Bible. The kids appreciated it since there was no chutney involved. I made a flatbread with butter and honey, so it met with much more approval than last year's. And, we did dab the blood on the doorframe. I don't have any hyssop, but we didn't get struck dead for using a paintbrush. And we burnt the leftovers in the fireplace. We had to wait for my husband to get off work, so it was at midnight when we read the Exodus story. That was so cool. Then the kids and me found The Prince of Egypt in parts on U Tube (thanks ChristiansforChrist!!), watched it, and then played Redemption TCG. It was a great night, all told.
I really feel like I should be interviewing mom like Lori does my Uncle Mark. OKAY, Uncle John. But my son goes by Uncle John, and we've always called my uncle Uncle Mark... but I of all people understand when a person just wants to be called something else. So much that I had to just use my first initial when I was selling Avon so nobody'd get confused. Sigh. Though, I have to admit, I feel more like me when I'm called Jess, I do like it that my neighbors call me Rose. I'm sooooo weird. I know. I admit it.
Well, I am going to get gone now. Good Friday comes early and it's a pretty big deal to us. God bless and protect His people wherever they may be and may He in Jesus' Name open the eyes of every one. BIG hugs and kisses to all of our kin.
J. Rose :-)
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