Well, my Aunt Judi wrote about Palm Sunday (we had the old hymns on Sunday Night at our church & it was nice) so I'll make a mention about Passover. Passover starts tonight at sundown. We made sure we got all the yeast-containing products out of the house and the lamb is marinating for the grill. The bitter herbs this year will be spinach as after last year's collard greens debacle, the kids insisted on something tame. "NO CHUTNEY!" they cried, so we're having cranberry sauce- it's similar... Also, they said, none of those nasty flat biscuits this year. Hushpuppies have no yeast, they helpfully suggested- only baking soda. None of the stores here have matsa,( motza?) but thankfully Food Lion does carry lamb around the Jewish holidays. It's the only time they do, and the only store that does, though we have a lot of sheep farmers here.
Anyway, we've been celebrating Passover for many years now and it is one of our favourite holidays. Each year it's a little different, but we always make the plate for Elijah, and the scriptures are always read. Usually we sing a couple of psalm-type hymns, since Jesus and the guys did. I'm not sure about the whole hushpuppy thing. When did they start putting yeast in pita bread and flour tortillas? They're FLAT! I think I'll make the flatbread anyway, just put sugar in it or something. The kids can deal with it. Some years my husband participates, some not. It's better when he does. Shoes on feet and staff in hand. It's great!
Now, some words about kin. My great grandparents' hometown is nicely presented on Runnemede Remembered (link in BLOG list). I thought that was nice. But, I digress. See, our family is one of those American families that scattered to the four winds when the kids grew up. I personally like the Southern way much better- settling just a short bit away with lots of family reunions. My Uncle Carl did this, but the others flew the coop, so to speak. And the other side of the family is all scattered out, too. We're supposed to be getting together at Lewes in August for a weekend like when we were kids. That would be really nice. Dunno if the economy will support the idea, but we'll see. That's for Dad's side of the family.
Most of the folks on Mom's side of the family I haven't seen in a coon's age. Micah, I wouldn't know if I met him. I think he was 5 when I last saw him and I think he's a missionary or something like it nowadays. Ah, that's what. I'll give a list and what I know about the folks. Bit by bit. starting with
The Aunts:
Aunt J (mom's side): super cool, BLOGGER extrordinairre, very smart. She has a ready laugh and a wonderful sense of humour. She faithfully homeschooled her kids and went on to work for a respected Creation organization, and was involved in politics at the state level where she lived. She has a passel of grandkids and scrapbooks professionally. She was a major influence in my life and how I am trying to raise my kids for the Lord. Growing up, I think I was around her like 3 times- but those times really made an impact on me.
Aunt S (mom's side) Aunt S has a chronic condition and she is really sweet. She's married to my Uncle Mark (who likes to be called John) and has kin doing missionary work in Haiti. She wears glasses. I regret that I have seen her even less than my Aunt Judi, so I don't know much else. But she has to have a good sense of humour because it's reflected in her daughter. Plus, how could she not? I am 99% sure that she really loves the Lord (per. Mama).
Aunt L: (mom's side)Aunt L also has a chronic illness (I think). I remember her as pretty and naturally blonde, kindof tall. She was a quiet person when I saw her (a bare few times in my life). She seemed like a thoughtful person who has a great amount of patience.
Aunt S: (dad's side) ah, the one of my relatives I've spent some time with. Aunt Susan is AMAZING. She's super smart, very humble, extremely talented and great to talk to. She's tall and has pretty hazel eyes. She's been through a lot in her life. She's giving, caring, and incredibly longsuffering. She burned my concert t-shirts when I was a young teen in case they were from devil-worshipping bands. (I hadn't actually been to the concerts.) She loves the Lord very much, but sometimes lets herself get bullied by people who are being annoying. She had 3 sons and loves them all very much, though I think she should still adopt a wee little girl as she'd make the bestest mommy for a little princess. I'm sure she spoils her granddaughters when she can. ;-)
Aunt J: (dad's side- ) Aunt Judi... she always struck me as rich and super smart. A person who would take no junk- no, not from nobody! She has always been pretty nice to me; she is very polite and proper. She's shorter and has brown hair and a pretty smile. She had 4 children that lived and was a good mama to them. She was a homemaker until the least one was grown and then she got her education and is now a nurse for moms and babies. Pretty cool.
Okay. That's it for now. I'll go through some more of the kinfolks next time if I remember... And now I've got to try to finish my homework. I'm more ready to snore. Something about this latest cold snap has me very, very sleepy!
J. Rose
Lost cities of the Amazon
4 weeks ago
I hope you enjoy your Passover meal. Becky is doing that, too. We were invited, but can't go. I wish we could.
ReplyDeleteRegarding Aunt Sue (Mark's wife). She is a wonderful Christian, 110 percent. That's what makes her so sweet and always smiling. Can you imagine being barely able to move for over 10 years and still being happy? I can't. I certainly wouldn't be smiling. I don't smile now and all I have is pain. At least I can move, you know what I mean?
Say hello to your mom when you see her.
thanks so much for the info, Aunt Judi. That's so good to know. :-) Do you know about Aunt Linda?? I love you bunches!!
Also, it's so great to know that Becky does Passover, too! (((((HUGS))))) I told the kids we weren't the only ones. seek ye out the old paths ;-) Have a safe trip!!
ReplyDeleteI know about the site meter blues. I think that was another BLOG post you put up. I only get a few hits a week on Runnemede Remembered and keep wondering why I'm even writing anything if no one is reading it. I'm doing it for the Drexler/Sbaraglia history book to be published in a few years. Ha ha.