:-) I am sooooo happy to be hearing the tree frogs again (spring peepers to some of you). They have such a cheery little song. So, in one week we had 6" of snow (like a sugar snow) and then beautiful spring-time weather. What a blessing!! I'm done with winter, ready for the flowers to bloom. Buds are on the trees and the birds are hopping all over the yard, hikers are flocking to the trails again, and more of the elderly are able to make it to the evening church services. It's just a happy time of year. I didn't realize how much of a hermit I become in the winter months. I enjoy winter, but for some reason it's a time I just hole up with my family.
Oh, something else really pretty about the snow this week- we had the opportunity to drive over to Rocky Gap right around sunrise. Well, the mountains were lavender with the snow which was gorgeous. But then the sunrise light hit the peaks and turned them a glowy pink. Just beautiful!! Both colours working together like that- folks would think you doctored the picture- you just had to see it. Amazing snow effects we saw this year- sunset when the ground is covered with snow and the sky is heavy with snowclouds makes a light-saberesque nimbus around everything that moves- glowy red and electric blue on the different sides. And no, I wasn't hallucinating- we all saw it. You go, God!!
And now for the second installment of Really Cool Anonymous People
This week's person is amazing!!! I've known this person and called him or her a friend for most of my life, but he or she never ceases to amaze me. He or she has experienced and achieved so much, yet is not snooty about it and makes me very happy for him or her that he or she is so full of love. This person is one of the most tallented people I know and one of the best answers to prayer I've ever seen. Today's person is a real inspiration to me and reminds me that we all have a place in this world- a unique place that only we can fill. I am not jealous of this person, though this person is smarter, has more talent, achievements, children, education, and money than I do. Nope. I am proud of this person and so thankful that God allowed me to know and love someone so special.
And church was really good tonight. ;-) A challenge was issued: just pick one person you know that is lost and pray for that person- really pray for them- this week and see what God can do. Well, DUDE. Just one???? How the heck can I pick just ONE person to pray special stuff on? Isn't that unfair to all the other people who need prayer? I had trouble narrowing it down to twenty! But, I think the point was that if we can't pray for just one person, no wonder our country is in this shape. No wonder so many people are suffering in the blackest darkness. We're not praying like we should.
Too many distractions, yet we expect God just to fix everything when we won't even make this small effort. Almost like how people view the government. They don't want any interferance in their lives, yet they want the government to take care of everything for them from education to health care and all that's in between. Hmmm...
Speaking of distractions. Battlestar Galactica just keeps getting better. WHY they have to cancel it? It's so with all the good shows. Let's just hope that George Lucas and his marketing skills keep the Clone Wars going. I personally would like to see an alternate path open up- Anakin doesn't have to go bad- it can all change- it is science fiction after all. And that way Padame could have and raise her kids and Luke wouldn't have to be played by Mark Hamill- it's a win-win idea. REALLY. Also, I really liked the Tinkerbell movie. It was just sweet. :-) And LOST is really good this year (another one that's ending soon) Monk is ending, too. Wonder which reality shows will be trying to fill the gap? Sigh. As good as Americans are at good fiction for TV, you'd think there'd be more of it and less of the swallop. Oh, well. Neilsen ratings...grr... 24 and the Sarah Conner Chronicles are good, too though Fox only has the last 3 epis online. Ok, enough of distractions.
School is ICKY right now. But, I have to say I thank God for getting me through it so far. AND how amazing of Him to help me not have the anxiety attacks until one week before the Ides of March instead of from January through April's Callends like it usually is. Thanks, God!! (LONG story. Bad time of year for me. Horrible things.) But, all the kids stuff is helping.
Homeschool is super great right now. I'm thanking God for that, too. I need an engaging Math program, though. Dry Math is well, dry. And I don't have time with college going on to rework all the curriculum to make it more enjoyable. If anyone has any ideas about a math program (especially Algebra) that is interesting, fun, and explains things properly- I'm all open for suggestions.
We're all doing the ancient classics now. So we're back to playing Homeric Epics in the back yard. Oodles of fun, but I'm going to have to invest in some Nerf swords. Nerf guns make for decent projectile weapons, but the staves we use for spears- well, Nerf would really be better. Both kids are amazing with their creative writing. Daughter is branching out from Fantasy to SciFi and son is really good at writing mysteries. Which I think is great. Both genres need good quality writers who don't throw in the obligatory smut and cussing. We have this saying- if you don't like it, write it better. So that's what they're doing. This life is precious.
Well, have a great week, all! I'll try to post more often, but I've gotten so I really despise computers. Well, I'm off to play a little with the kids and then to sleep, perchance to dream...
Lost cities of the Amazon
4 weeks ago
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