This is my crazy, computer saavy brother. I still can't figure out how to upload pics from my cell phone, but he can do all this photomanipulation stuff. He's hillarious. And my uncles remind me of him a lot- we've only hung out with my mom's brothers a few times in our lives, but their sense of humour seems to be just like my youngest brother's. Not to mention he looks a bunch like my mom's youngest brother- a South Jersey feller who is really fun to be around.
So, I'm listening to Radio Rivendell after a fun game with husband and kids, checked the BLOGs, and here I am. The trees have budded out even more since yesterday. It was another beautiful day- Tshirt weather with a nice breeze, blue skies, and fluffy clouds. So, I sat outside and did my studying after we'd done with homeschool for the day and the kids shot eachother with Nerf guns. The kitten kept trying to steal the darts while she wasn't harassing the dogs. It was nice, peaceful fun.
I got to talk with my Mama today. :-) She's really the bestest mom in all the world. I wish I could protect her from all the bad stuff that's out there, but God does a pretty good job of that. She's really amazing in all she's been through- she's kept the faith, kept her love for Christ, and her love for others. Hmm, a memory of Mom? She doesn't like it when I post old stuff about her.
I remember Mother's Day when I was a teen. I reckon it was '87 or somewhere thereabouts. Mom was working at Walmart by this time. Anyway, she loved violets and purple, I had a job and bought her this pretty purple sweater and had picked her a bunch of violets. She put the sweater on and looked so beautiful in it, I had her go into the yard so I could take her picture. I need to figure out how to scan stuff in properly so I can post it. She's like a painting in that picture. The maples were behind her and she was sitting in the fresh, green grass holding those violets. The sunlight was soft and made a halo around her. That's probably how I'll always see Mama in my mind. Geesh, I'm getting all choked up here! Ack! Lump in throat... sniffle... Anyway, I reckon she'll look just like that in heaven- it was as if all the inner beauty that is her shone out for a moment that I am so glad I captured on film.
Another Mama memory. Mama helped tutor at the grade school in Mayberry. This is how she was- she had a way of being able to bring out the best in people because she saw the best in people- kind of like Miss Mellie on Gone With the Wind. So, she'd take these thuggish kids from abusive families and she'd help them achieve. She'd show them that they did have potential and that it was worth trying to reach it. I'm not sure why she quit doing that- mentoring/tutoring... she was really good at it. She never acted like she was better than anybody, never looked down on anybody- except for this one old sicko that kept stalking me and my friends on his moped- him, she threatened to run over with the big, old Dodge truck. And he believed her- she used her quiet voice.
**note on thuggish kids- I went to school with them- they were thuggish. Leather jackets, cussed like sailors, but Mama brought out the heart of gold in them. So remember: Thugs are people, too.
All of our guy friends were madly in love with Mama. They all kept praying she'd get a divorce so they'd have a chance with her. Too funny. And she never knew it. She was (and is) such a humble person she doesn't realize what a purely beautiful treasure she is.
She never hardly talks about when she was growing up, which I think is kind of a jip, but it's understandable. I don't like talking about the long ago past either. But one thing she did say was that she really loved the parades they used to have in Runnemede where she grew up. That and the family get-togethers where her Italian kinfolks would come to her house and all sit around the table for hours munching and laughing.
I remember her Dad clacking change in his pocket or a piece of hard candy in his teeth just to get a rise out of Gramma. "Caaarl!" she'd finally say, after a few minutes of taking deep breaths and trying to be patient. And then he'd chuckle and try to look all innocent. My Dad sings goofy songs in an endless loop until my Mama gets exasperated. (both are talents my son and I inherited much to my daughter's and husband's annoyance).
Never could get a straight answer about that skunk. And the neighbor I was standing with when it went by acted like it never happened... strange. Very strange. Though, it could be she's just forgetful- that happens to folks. But, I think I finally weirded out the neighbors past the point where I'm acceptable company. Or they think I'm stuck-up since I hermited out this winter. I dunno, but it'll be okay. Now if I could just get my cat to stop chasing their little dog...
Well, I reckon that's about enough of the meandering and rambling. I need to get my field plowed. I somehow think it's going to be really important to have a good garden this year and get as much canned as possible. If the prices at the grocery store are any indication- still going up and up and up- it might just be the thing that gets us through the next winter.
Toward the end of Leviticus, God tells about what steps He'll take to bring a nation back to Him. It ain't purty. And we're like on step 4.5 of the process- the next one is just about on us and the one after that, I don't even want to think about. Though, meds made from aborted babies that people take would count in that category, too- it doesn't have to be straight up cannabalism. Though, I'd reckon it'd probably be both, sadly enough. (RAFO=read and find out)
Well, that was cheerful! Ok, a better note to end on:
2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
How about that? All is not lost. Not yet. Woohoo! Step by step, moment by moment- live in His love, surrendered to Him and see what He does. Glad tidings. God bless y'all!!
A life devoted to things is a dead life, a stump; a God - shaped life is a flourishing tree. PROVERBS 11:28
ReplyDeleteI hope you're able to get those pictures of your mama scanned in and posted to the BLOG. It's really simple to upload pictures to your BLOG. It's sort of a point and click operation.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, Jake certainly looks like my brother Carl. I see that every time I'm visiting, and especially in that picture.
:-) Aunt Judi, I'll ask DH to help me with that. He needs to hook up the scanner and I'll try to get some more pictures up on here. I need to pilfer Mom's cache before my SIL gets them all. I'll upload them and give them back to her. That way we can all share.
ReplyDeleteThankful Paul: thanks! That was really pretty and so true. I've never seen it worded so poetically before. Thanks for stopping by!