http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4K1q9Ntcr5g&feature=related French national Anthem in French with French and English Subtitles
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iYbEPZVVIA La Marseillaise from Casablanca
Hey, all! Well, my computer's back up and running after some very nasty viruses tried to kill it. ;-) I put the links above because... well, at least take a look at the second one. This scene is what made me love Casablanca- not the love triangle- but the spirit that is in this scene. It's rated G, so no worries. The top link is The French National Anthem with words in French, but subtitles in both French and English. And here http://software77.com/onlinebibles/french_ls/index.htm just for good measure is the link to the Bible in French- it's quite beautiful.
So, it's coming on troublesome times it would seem. Like a woman in travail, the pattern repeats, but is worse- more painful- the contractions come closer together and each seems like the worst thing- ever! But, labour has only just begun- we're only part way through. Alas!
(my, that sounded so dramatic, there ought to be music in the background!) ;-)
Seriously, my dears. Please pray for our veterans. There's something very fishy going on. And I honestly have to say, I'm getting really tired of the "Create-a-Crisis" board game that our pals in DC are playing. What can we do? Pray. Get real with repentance and following God with our whole hearts.
Remember from where we are fallen. This is OUR country. The country God gave us, even if we were rotten stewards of it. Just because our schools did not teach us proper history, we can still find good books on the subject. Pray for Israel. Pray for our leaders to be saved. Yes, I'll say it- there has been too much innocent blood spilled in our land. BUT, when judgement was coming on Judah, God gave them a space of reprieve when they repented - He forstalled it. It is very sad when a blooming cult follows God's Law better than those who are called Jews or Christians do. But, and if it is too late & judgement is a comin', we'll do a whole lot better if we are right up close to our Saviour when it all goes down.
Uncle Joe Egitta and David Carradine, Rest in Peace.
Well, this was just a bit preachy so far, so... I'll put some scripture in just to round things out. After all, what's a "sermon" without scripture?
Philippians 4:4-8 Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice. Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
And now for the closing Hymn...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Y-bynBLc6U (Yolanda Adams singing- I think you'd be blessed to check this out.)
Heehee. Naw, I ain't no preacher- I'm a chick. And I'm old fashioned, I think that men and women have different jobs in this world. It does not make any more or less important or valuable, just uniquely qualified for certain things.
I hereby officially protest Ewwww Month. It's just nasty. And Juno would not like it much, I do not think (who June was named for, the godess of marraige- back when it was between a dude and a chick.) So, what should we more conservative types honour this month? Hmm. How about declaring June God Month or Prayer Month. We can do that, it's still a free country.
So, for the garden, it's coming along pretty well. June is cold this year, so we're still kinda behind the usual planting times on some things. Family's all doing well. Bracing ourselves. Praying a lot. And you know, in praying for others in need, we've had our spirits seriously uplifted. It's been a good thing.
Our president has very good posture and a masterful way of delivering speeches. I'm soooo glad he's not a screamer.
Well, time for a midnight snack- celery? Oh, ick. Maybe I'll forgo the snack. Or forgo the diet... snicker. Maybe I'll have a burrito! muwhaahaahaa! I'll just take a walk tomorrow or something.
Well, in closing- please check out the Thoene's BLOG- the link's in the sidebar. those folks make good sense and are really incredible writers. How I'd LOVE their entire collection of books.
Oh, THANKS to the chocolate loving vet at the DAV Thrift Shop in Salem, Virginia. You made our day with the books, man! God bless our Veterans and Active Duty folks. God Bless Israel and all the lands England once held. And God bless you, dear reader.
You certainly have a unique way of putting things. I love it!