"I'm no more a hero than any man
Who fights for justice and freedom and brotherhood!
So long as we cherish liberty-
so long as the bitter weed of tyranny can never take root upon our shores-
Then all of us are heroes-
And the dream which is America
Will long endure!"
-Captain America
And really, in answer to the question, Marvel or DC (those who know comic book geeks know the question) my answer is MARVEL, thanks. I do like some DC titles and especially like the Cartoon Network Justice League cartoon, but Marvel has my vote. "'nuff said".
So, as I get poison oak cream all over my desk trying to type in this awkward setup... I'm probably going to pick up more of it today as I go foraging around abandoned homesteads for irises and other flowers. Don't wory, I got permission from my neighbors to go trekking about up in the mountain behind the house (you have to cut thru their yards). And these places haven't been lived in probably in at least 30 years. Eew- this creme is making my desk gooey! >:-p
Yea, when we were out doing driving lessons yesterday, I spied some old irises growing in a ditch that dropped off into a stream & got a few of them- it helps the ones left behind to bloom better- really. Unfortunately, I reckon there was some poison oak that I didn't see to add to what I already had. DH is not going to be happy- he's REALLY allergic to it.
And the fried apple pies turned out GREAT! :-) There's only one left & the children are wanting me to make more of them. We did everything the old, slow way (no food processor, etc) and it was a hoot- a very messy hoot. I can't use flour without making an horrible mess, but we all worked together to get it cleaned up. ;-) The other thing we did so as not to have explosions was to puncture the tops of them with a fork before they went into the hot oil. After they drained, they were dredged in cinnamon sugar & YUM!!
Well, I reckon I'd best get a move on. The day's a'wastin'.
Oh, one more thing- these verses sound so much like Shakespeare- beautiful!
The thing which hath been,
it is that which shall be;
and that which is done
is that which shall be done:
And there is no new thing
under the sun.
Ecclesiastes 1:9 (you oughtta check out verses 10-11, too- they're kinda relevant to our times.)
God bless y'all!
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