Great, great movie from 1961. Netflix has it & also for instant viewing over the Web. It's worth a look.
BBC's Emma (Jane Austen) from 1972 was really good, too. Who else could keep kids interested in the classics like the BBC?
Interesting thing happened on a hike the other day near Poplar Camp, Virginia. My daughter and myself stumbled across a really, really old American Chestnut tree. Yep, the kind that mostly all perished in a blight many moons ago. But, here was this one standing proud next to the ruins of an old cabin on a mountain trail seldom used by any save the deer. Beautiful!!
The kids had their fun building snow forts and playing the battle of Ithillian. I'd have been out there, but we're shy one pair of coveralls. So, I videoed them out the back door and made spaghetti for when they thawed out. They had a blast and are hoping we'll be able to figure something out so we can all 3 have a moonlight snowball war. :-) I'll try to let y'all know how that turns out.
I spent last evening watching Emma with the kids and cutting up quilt squares. Not stressing over homework, just enjoying being a homemaker. Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift(s)!!!
I wonder if Saladin and King Richard were both Masons. It would make more sense if they were- their attitudes and actions toward eachother, etc. I reckon the way I see the Masons is like the Boy Scouts, all grown up and really, really old (as in the group itself). Now, all the cult-under-every-bush types, please, let me have my little illusions. It helps my prayer life and my joyometer. :-) At least they're not wastoids like some of the "brotherhoods"- not around here anyways.
DH is watching a western with really annoying music. It seems I will be going outside soon after all. He has to have the volume cranked, poor old thing. ;-p And it's getting on my nerves!!!
So, ttfn. Hope it won't be too long 'till our next little chat. Now, I'm off to help the Gondorians win their city back!
God Bless!!
PBS and the BBC have just released a new "Emma". It's being shown currently on PBS, and this coming Sunday is the last episode. It's a 3-parter. I like the previous version better.