Y'all, I'll try to get better about posting after this miserable class is over. It's a good class, just has SO much work!! Anyway, only 4 more weeks and I'm DONE!!! Well, 'till January...
Something else, if you wouldn't mind helping us pray that God will provide for these poor kids- there are 50 of them currently. We'd like to send what we can, but we need God to provide that, too- especially the postage. I AM NOT ASKING FOR MONEY. Only that you'd help me pray that if God sees fit to let us help these children that He will provide the means to do so. We have some stuff to send for Christmas for some of them, but in our opinions it would stink for some kids to get stuff and others to not. We don't have enough for all of them. :-(
Our travelling people have slowed down to a trickle- it's too cold here, so we're mainly focusing on the Indian children at present. (travelling people are known around here as transients, but I just think the other title sounds less like a medical condition.) But, we still have our care packages put together for any we run across while out. DH laid the law down on me that I'm not to hand any out after dark, he doesn't think it's safe. If they're at Wal-mart or a gas station I usually walk up and give them the bag, but if they're on the road, I only put my window down far enough to hand the bag out, not far enough that the door can be opened. And the doors are locked- those are the precautions. I do not think they are criminals, mostly just folks that have caught bad breaks; but I'd not be allowed to do it at all if I wasn't careful. It's the times we're in and DH wants to make sure I'm safe, which is sweet of him.
Well, I reckon I'd best get back to studying about the Popes. I'd still like to interview the local priest- maybe I'll do that later today or tomorrow.
Staying outta the news. God knows all about what is going on much better than I ever could, so I'm just asking Him to take care of our poor country. To turn the hearts of our people to Him and show them the truth in a way that they'll get it.
God bless y'all!
PS the kids are making me take a computer break. They think I'll give all our stuff away if I'm not supervised. They've been checking behind me to make sure I haven't given their Christmas presents away- I wouldn't do that. Nor would I give away anything of theirs. They are caring kids and are wanting to help the Indian kids, too- just they want to send new stuff for them, not things that have sentimental value. They did say I could send "The Little Engine that Could" and "Black Beauty". The Indian children are learning English and books are requested. The address is in my last post if anyone wants to send things that are non food items. The list is on that page, too. They have no problem with hand-me-downs, either.
My kids have been doing the English Lit stuff this year and have really been loving it. See, I KNEW that the usual English teachers were ruining it. That if given a fair chance and not analyzed to death that British Literature really is a wonderful thing. We've been doing creative math, and humanities, science, history, and of course home ec and Bible. And God still is letting it be a blessed adventure that we can enjoy together. He is wonderful and so worthy of our praise.
ttfn again
Lost cities of the Amazon
4 weeks ago
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