At last! A great show, great pilot- intelligent, wittty with action and none of the things that so often take away from an otherwise great plot. That's right- no smut and no cussing. I had to say THANKS to USA Network for giving us more memorable characters and keeping it clean. And I do hope that the style of the main character is emulated- it's great style- classic- and I LOVE the hat.
I wonder- are the networks finally figuring out that there are more viewers out there than just the Neilsen folks? Viewers that actually like plot and substance? Viewers that think that smut is an unnecessary prop and that cussing doesn't enhance the show at all? USA's been doing a pretty good job lately. Keep up the good work, fellas! You are appreciated!
White Collar enjoyed by the following demographic groups in our home:
Scifi or Syfy as you are now called- get the same message! Your shows are NOT made better for the himbos you keep throwing at us. Battlestar Galactica was great, but I couldn't recommend it to many folks who would have LOVED the plot because of the smutty parts being offensive. And Stargate Universe would lose NOTHING in greatness if you left the smut scenes out of it. Your pilot's broomcloset made it so my young teens are not allowed to watch the show at all- which is sad, because they really like the Stargate franchise. It's just unnecessary to an otherwise great show.
Anyway, not like they'll be reading this blog. But, on the offhand chance... Families like to watch more things than cartoons and horse movies. Families like plots and action, too. Great Job USA and thanks Syfy for putting out another BSG DVD. :-)
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