Thanks to Busy Grandma Elsie and Aunt Judi for your prayers and thoughts! God provided work for the week for my husband helping a friend of ours renovate some apartments. Maybe Phil could be a PC Fix-it guy that goes on-site. He could advertise for free on Craig's List. Do they have a free to advertise in paper like The Trade Times up there? It's a thought. Folks are forever getting viruses or needing their harddrives cleaned up and most don't like the hassle of taking it someplace. It's a thought... And thanks to Mama for her encouraging words. And to my daughter for her proofreading and Paladin's sense of justice. xoxox
Well, I've been out of the news for the most part. I always think of the Iranians as the Persians, so I've been praying that God would help the Persians. I ended up tonight with a very sick, very tiny Persian kitten. And people think God has no sense of humour. ;-) I think it was His way of letting me know that He heard my prayers for those oppressed folks and that He's on the scene to help them if they'll let Him. I found myself actually agreeing with Al Sharpton last night. Never say never, folks. I'm not exactly sure what Murphy is, but he's out there.
Really decent Persians: Darius (I'm pretty sure Media is in modern Iran), Cyrus, and Ahasuerus
I hope all the dads had a very happy Father's Day. (I'm taking a much needed break from writing my final at the moment, so if this seems all jumping around, that's why.)
I had a lovely chat with my dear son who is in the Army. Do any of you remember those cell phone commercials where the call drops at a vitally important moment? Well, this one did and it was most unfortunate. By the time I get ahold of him again, he'll have completely forgotten what he was talking about. Sigh. Our prayers are with you, honey! And with all of our brave folks who are protecting our freedoms.
If y'all have never perused The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, you oughtta. It's really interesting, full of that dry British sense of humour and irony, and it looks so much like us these days it's spooky.
So, according to the Old Farmer's Almanack, we're right on target with all of our planting. Go figure! Happy Summer Solstice, to all you who celebrate it. :-) Midsummernight's Eve is the 23rd. Sounds like a good night for Shakespeare. We'll see how it turns out. I wanted to do the bonfire tonight, but my husband has a migraine and said to forget it, plus the Persian kitten needed my help.
You know, the book of Daniel has some really great insights for our time. I know, much of the prophecy was fulfilled accurately already. But, oftentimes God has a cycle- once in the relative short term, and again in a later age toward the end of things. I personally believe in the catching away before the Great Tribulation. But, if this certain person decides that other people calling him god is not enough and declares it himself from Jerusalem, honey, I'm headin' for the hills! Oh, wait, I'm already in the hills. I guess it's a good thing then. There are a few of these types of guys on the scene at the moment. Unoriginal sorts of folks are they, using a very old, oft used script. (that was my Yoda moment...)
Know what? I think it's really amazing that both the Saducees and the Pharisees are back in action. The Sanhedrin is active again, too- since 2004! I do feel sorry for the Saducees, though. How can there be any hope at all with that philosophy?
Oh, and folks- the "west bank" is actually Judea and Samaria. Clever how calling it "west bank" disassociates it from its very Jewish heritage. The media has a payday a'comin'. Not from me. But, the truth will not stay hidden. The Jewish people bought that land fair and square, and had it in possession long before that. What I don't get is how Jordan was supposed to be for the Palestinian people- it's so much bigger- and it was carved out of what was originally promised to the Jewish people before and after WWI. So, why are they squabbling over a piece of land the size of Delaware? Why aren't they in Jordan? Does the Kingdom of Jordan not want their misplaced brethren for some reason? I mean if a bunch of Texans were stranded in Mexico, we'd surely try to get them back home and settled. Why blame Israel? We wouldn't blame Mexico, would we? Would we try to force the Mexicans to give Mexico City to the misplaced Texans? No, the whole world would think we were stupid. Yet, the whole world seems to just gobble up whatever sob story the press dishes out about the poor terroists who can't steal any more of the land that doesn't belong to them.
To clarify. I know that not all Palestinians are terrorists. I'm not even really sure what the heck race they really are- Canaanite? Philistine? Arab? But, not all the Palestinian people like blowing up old folks and babies. And guess what, I do pray for y'all. It really reeks being a pawn in somebody's game. I don't wish that on anyone. And the Palestinian Christians, y'all are very close to the top of my prayer list. God be with y'all and protect y'all. Every day.
So, I reckon I've got Israel on the brain. And while I'd love to visit the British Isles and parts of Europe, Turkey, Japan, and Egypt; Israel is the only other place besides Virginia I'd like to live. Though I still say all the pictures make it look like it's someplace in Texas. I really like grass, trees, and the wild green tangle that takes up the space around here.
Well, I suppose I'd better get back to my paper. Only 13 more sections to go! And the exam. And the new classes. And the clerical issues. Sigh. Maybe I'll just put it off 'till the morrow. I need to read with the kids anyway. Oh, and what happened with that funky cleric in Iran? I never heard of England being on top of the hit list before. Please leave England alone. The British Isles are like our country's Mama. And I don't care what some guy says, if she's attacked, there'll be heck to pay for it.
There's this theory floating around that on a certain day all the infiltrated countries are going to have their governments hit like how Mohammed did back in the 600s in Medina, I think. I really hope not. That would really reek.
I think it's odd how that other guy in Iran has the exact same smirky smile, full of "secret knowledge" and contempt for the people supporting him that another popular politician has.
I also think that John McCain saw in his mind something very like what is going on over there happening here if he didn't concede. And I still think he's a true hero.
Man, I'm really pushing the limits tonight. I'd better quit while I'm ahead.
God protect your people everywhere.
I've been thinking the same thing about Israel, the West Bank (Judea/Samaria). That land was given to them by God and no one should think they have a right to it other than the Israeli people. The West Bank is part and parcel of Israel.
ReplyDeleteI guess the world thinks that other nations have lost their boundaries in wars so why not Israel. But didn't Israel fight a battle recently to retain that part of their "property"? Like in the late 60s. Wasn't it called a six-day war which israel won, hands down? So why don't their neighbors leave them alone.
And, the neighbors of Israel must be really stupid, because every time they try to take land, they are turned away and the losses on the oppositions side is heavy, whereas Israel's losses and light. I know any loss is bad, but by comparison, Israel keeps winning. When will the neighbors get the picture?
I pray for the peace of Isreal every day.