Yes, I know, this is more like beautiful December- but I haven't uploaded any pictures recently... and I just like the snow. ;-)
So, I am taking a small break after putting up 4 gallons of apple juice concentrate and before I start on the tomato puree.
Thanks to my neighbor for the wonderful hand-me-downs! The best smelling sunscreen face lotion I have ever used: Garnier Nutritioniste Skin Renew Anti-Sun Damage. It makes your face feel soft and smell like antique roses all day long. Mmmm- nothing like the usual sunscreen smell and it doesn't seem to make one's face feel sweaty like the others do, either. Also, thanks to my sister-in-law for the lovely stuff she brought on her last visit. Y'all are precious!
Well, the puppy I mentioned in a previous post is gone. She didn't come back this time. (...) Although, this time it would seem like she got herself loose and just took off- around here one can't be too sure. And when DS tried to put our Black and Tan in the kennel for safe keeping (she tends to get "borrowed" during hunting season), our chow decided she was the Alpha of the kennel and didn't
want anyone else besides her adopted German Shepherd pup in there. Poor son! He had one on a leash and one by the collar as the fight was on and the pup took off for the brush pile. I dashed out there with my trusty wooden spoon (ask mom) to help and hey, Ma- it works on dogs, too! ;-) Nobody got hurt and the Black and Tan especially acted like
she thought it was fun! DS felt like his hand twisted nearly off and his other arm was out of socket- but neither dog hurt him, or even tried to even though they were making an infernal racket that would have made good sound effects for a horror movie. So after catching the pup, who also thought it was fun, we put our drool covered B&T back to her usual post. She was a rescued dog who'd spent her life in a tight kennel with lots of other hounds, so she's not really keen on kennels anyway- it's like she feels like she's retired now and has earned the right to her own space. Maybe DH can build her a kennel that can be padlocked by the time hunting season gets in full swing- if not, I reckon she'll be spending her nights in the mudroom/basement with the cats.
Well, my boisterous inside pups have decided to bark the house down- how dare I be up and blogging while they languish in their kennel! Sometimes...
AND is it humanly possible to keep up on all the yard work/garden/fruit tree work
and the housework??? I seem to remember mom's lovely clean house, but I don't remember her doing much in the yard. I think it's an either-or kind of thing. But, I'm trying. DH I think is going to ban me from the garden if I don't start making sure the house is better. Note to self: give the puppies ONLY toys they CANNOT shred. That'll be a big help. And: learn to delegate responsibility. I think it
can be done, it's just a matter of balancing things just-so. At least the living room looks great right now. But then, the pups haven't been in there wreaking havoc yet today either.
School starts next week for us. I'd be more excited if I could do back-to-school shopping. That seems to make it a happier thing- new art pads, pencils & pens, (we have all our books- but, hey- what's a few more??), a few outfits, new music and or instruments....ahh. I know it'll happen when God provides it and it's always so much fun- makes it feel like it's
really started. I think the old school year for agricultural districts used to be November thru March- and living here, I can see why! You need every hand ya got when you have harvesting or planting to get in and critters to tend.
Well, I reckon I'd really better scoot. I hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoys the wonderful breezes the storms off the coast seem to be stirring up. Mmmm, September. God bless y'all!