This is Bouguereau's Admiration Maternelle from ARC (link to side). I just really like this painting. His work is very nice if you've the time to check it out.
I found a video from my old church from I reckon 10 years ago. It can be found here:
I have no idea why our family left early. Husband must've been sick again or something. That caused us to have to leave early a few times. And, the platinum blonde hair was his idea. My Grandfather Carl Drexler is buried at that church.
Man, I miss that place! I was going through one of my old hymnbooks and highlighting the songs we sang there. There was this song that really drove me crazy for some reason: Honey in the Rock. I was thinking what I'd give to just be able to hear everyone singing it together again. But, alas. We are scattered, moved away. One day in heaven, we'll all sing in joy and worship together once more. But, you know- in these dark times I really, really wish I had that stability again. It's mur-der being without a church family. I am thankful for the Christians God has blessed us to know and fellowship with, but it's not the same. Most of them are disenfranchised, too. However, the need is not enough for any of them to do more than talk about maybe having a Bible study someday. I reckon I just need to pray harder.
I think that tonight I'll put a list of the good old hymns up. You can probably find midis of any of them on http://www.cyberhymnal.com
A Child of the King.......................All I Need.................Amazing Grace.............An Old Account Settled.............Are You Washed in the Blood.............At Calvary..........At the Cross........Glory to His Name...............He Leadeth Me (the ladies used to sing this one).......He Set Me Free.........Heavenly Sunlight............I Feel like Traveling On...........I Know my Name is There........I Love to tell the Story...........I Shall not be Moved.........I Want to Know more About my Lord..........I'll Fly Away.........I'm Going that Way.........I'm Living in Canaan Now........It's a Grand and Glorious Feeling.............I've Never been Sorry............Jesus Hold my Hand..........Jesus Paid it All.........Just over in the Glory Land........Keep on the Firing Line........Leaning on the Everlasting Arms..........Lift me up above the Shadows............Living by Faith...........My Hope is Built
I may list the rest of the songs tomorrow, but lest this become tedious, I'll tell a little about why this place meant so much to us.
The YouTube link tells the name of the church, and the recording does not do it justice. There were a lot of talented musicians there during the Golden Years. Pastor Garry and his wife Denise used to sing The Lamb's Book, sometimes my dad would join them (tenor) on Lighthouse and Love Lifted Me. Services that were dedicated to praise could last long into the night and nobody would mind. It didn't seem like any time at all. But, it was like that for all the services.
Well, let me correct- on days when meals were brought, we did like a time out for the food. ;-) But, it was no bother if the service continued after. Most Sundays, it was the evening service that lasted a long time- Wednesdays, too- and it was okay.
Why? Because it was a seeking church. Those folks could not get enough of God. Praying for others, learning about God, praising God, and testifying. It was not for show- it was real, genuine love. We used a real river for baptisms. And all the guys who were called to preach had an opportunity to do so. Other guys would lead Bible studies. And there were other studies that would be held on different nights for those who desired to attend. The kids stayed in the services, special kids things were held on different days because it was important for all of us to hear God's word.
I am not doing a very good job of explaining. They also had a Bible college that was free for all who wanted to learn all they could about the Bible. How great is that? Also, after services were over, it was nothing to have folks talking and fellowshipping together until the wee hours of the morning. It was really like a first century church. Sure, some people came and went. Sure, some sneaky sowers of discord got in- BUT the church folks had such a real relationship with their Saviour that they weathered all the storms with patience, joy, faith, hope, and love.
Some of the Folks:
Brother Garry was an amazing musician. He was the pastor there and he had a true Southern style of preaching. But you could bank on his doctrine being straight from the Bible. He always told us to check any preacher's words against God's Word, with God's Word being the standard. All men make mistakes, so be Bereans and see if these things be so.
Brother Ernie was the Associate Pastor. He had an expository style very much like my Grandfather's. He actually was a lot like my Grampa. He taught in the Bible college and was very thorough in all he presented. He was fond of rabbit trails, but would always get back to the main point. We didn't mind, the rabbit trails were really interesting! He was a gentle soul, for all the guys picked on him for being a buzzard. (The church had a lively sense of humour. There was a great deal of smiling and laughing there). His brothers Mike and Slim were great guys. Slim used to do the Sunday School intro message and Mike had the most amazing singing voice and a heart as big as Texas.
Brother Don'L was one of the Deacons. He played guitar and had a very sweet preaching style. It was Honest. And he would bring a message that would bless one all week long. His sermons were among the shortest, but they were packed full of useful things to draw one closer to Jesus. His family was and still is a real blessing. They have 5 precious children.
Brother Terry W. was also one of the Deacons and the song leader. He and his wife have four beautiful daughters. His wife, along with Brother Garry's wife, and Brother Ernie mentored me when I was coming to the Messiah and while I was a young Christian. Brother Terry reminded me of the Apostle Paul. He mentored my younger brother. His lessons and workshops were very thorough and he used no special materials- just the Bible. He had a great amount of faith. I hope he and his family are doing well.
Well, that's just a little bit. My Gramma Betty never understood the attachment we had for that place. She wasn't saved there, nurtured there, or discipled there but, she was loved there. So was my Grampa Carl. They truly loved them as if they were their own grandparents.
I don't know where they all are now. I don't know even how to find most of them. But, God knows just where they are and tonight I pray that He will send a special blessing to all of the families that grew in Him at the old Church.
An addendum: God is so good, folks. Never give up on Him. Never stop praying for your brothers and sisters in Christ. He hears our prayers and He is working on our behalf all the time.