Hello, all! It's been the craziest thing the last week or so- like all the world is hanging around a serious cross-roads. So what's anyone to do? The church in America has for the most part splintered in some grand divide-and-conquor scheme by a very clever devil. Most Christians are so distracted they don't have time to pray for themselves, let alone for anything else. Our cover is down, the walls are broken, and evil is stirring.
So, we remember:
The joy of the Lord is our strength.
Love one another.
Pray without ceasing- just try it- keep a running conversation going with God.
Remember Israel and her people in all nations.
Rejoice in the Lord alway.
Pray for the leaders.
Pray for each other.
All pretty basic and easy stuff, right? So why is it so hard for us to accomplish any one thing on so short a list? God help us. Just try, folks- limit distractions to what's really important. We may just see some things happen- good things. God be with you all.
Lost cities of the Amazon
4 weeks ago